““Dungeons & Dragons creates a safe space for everyone to be anyone they want to be. It can even help mold who they are as a person.””
Caddin Schieler
Lafayette, IN
In 2009, Caddin's DnD experience started like many others: a group of friends around a table. As time went by, Caddin had come up with a few homebrew items. Upon a whim, he decided to post one of these to Reddit in early 2019 and it took off. This was all the drive he needed to keep sharing his content… With each item came the opportunity to learn more about digital art. Caddin pushes the envelope with each new item, always trying to do better than the previous. While new to 5e, he has come a long way in the development of his items, and with them, the unfurling of more than just equipment. As he develops his own world for his players, he is constantly inspired to bring new things into his world, and, in turn, share them with you. Caddin now works to build new subclasses, races, creatures, and more to add to your DnD experience.

The Battlechef is a warrior of extraordinary culinary finesse whose love for food becomes the conduit for their magic. They can make their heavenly flavors carry an incredible range of benefits in addition to filling you up. A Battlechef does more than simply supply their party with rations and fuel for fighting. Their cooking encourages their comrades, inspires them in battle and strengthens the bonds between every person who joins them for a meal.