Magic Item Cards (Vol 2)

Magic Item Cards (Vol 2)


Homebrew Magic Items for 5e Dungeons & Dragons. This download includes a digital version (for virtual tabletops) and a .pdf printer friendly copy. This download provides a Tarot-sized card that may be printed on regular paper or cardstock so that you may hand them out to your players! All you have to do is cut out the card and fold them on the dotted line. For extra protection you can purchase Card Sleeves. Become a Patron of The D&D Coalition and gain access to all magic item cards for just $3.

Volume 2 Includes:

  • Crown of Obadai (Cursed Wondrous Item)

  • Collar of Comprehension (Wondrous Item)

  • The Helmet of Ni! (Wondrous Item)


Do You Want to Collaborate?

Perhaps you create homebrew magic items and wish to have them available in printable format. We would love to help make that happen. Email us at to learn more!