““My father bought a copy of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons on a whim when I was eight. My family would sit around the kitchen table and die horribly, over and over, to whatever dungeon my mother had worked tirelessly on that week. Stirges, lurkers-above, white dragons, grey ooze, it didn’t matter. I’d run through a dozen characters before I could reliably do long division and loved every minute of it. My brother loved playing dwarfs so much that my father brought home a copy of White Dwarf magazine a year later for Christmas. ”I thought it might mentioned dwarfs” he said proudly, but of course it was Games Workshop’s lovely magazine. From there on we were hooked - D&D on weekends with our friends all through college, and me painting tiny models from the time I was nine years old. A match made in heaven!””
Adam Stilgoe
New York, NY
"Get it built, painted, and ready for play, at a good price - by professionals, for professionals."
Old Rogue Painting Services was founded in 2014 in response to requests from wargamers in their thirties and forties for large-scale, reliable painting work done professionally to a repeatable standard. Owner and operator Adam Stilgoe has travelled throughout the United States and Europe learning first-hand painting techniques that produce such a result - models done within two weeks, and often faster, to a good tabletop standard and for a reasonable price. Old Rogue is a full-time occupation, run out of a serious studio in the Greater Boston area.
You can find Old Rogue Painting Services on their website!

It isn't the top-tier of painting quality - Old Rogue recognizes that most folks want an army that looks good for a moderate price, and most importantly, that people want their army or models returned to them while the itch to play that army, or run that adventure, or showcase their Dungeons and Dragons character still lights a fire in them. Why wait six months for a part-time studio to return models to you? Old Rogue offers constant email and telephone updates and keeps your momentum going without sacrificing quality. Take a look at www.oldroguepainting.com or email Adam so that you can get it painted and on the table!