As the Dungeon Master begins their prep for the upcoming session, they gather their books, open their notes and begin the process of outlining the adventure to come; but something is missing…
They quickly open up a tab, load their favorite playlist, and before they know it, the ambiance of adventure echoes around their workspace.The introduction of music into your Dungeons & Dragons game is not an optional element; it is a vital ingredient to immersive storytelling.
Just like in epic adventure sagas like Lord of the Rings or Star Wars, a great score or background track can really set the tone for the events taking place in your game. From the deepest caverns of the Abyss, to the floating fortress of a Cloud Giant, or even a trip to the local tavern, a Dungeon Master can capitalize on bringing their world to life by simply adding a little bit of sound.
Music is a great way to get your players to subconsciously feel a certain way without saying anything. The right description of a space, paired with the right background sounds is sure to get your players feeling a certain way about the encounter you are starting to describe. Another great reason for having general ambiance will help break up moments of silence in game. This will allow your players to connect with the scene while you are pausing between descriptions, encounters, or looking up a ruling. Having this kind of background noise eats up any “stale air” as well, making it feel less awkward during longer moments of pause in game.
Finding the Right Vibe
For the sake of simplicity let’s talk about two different types of playlists:
The first being ambiance otherwise known as atmospheric sounds. These are typical during roleplay, or when the party is in a specific place like the sounds of crickets and a fire while the party is bedding down for a long rest in the woods, the sound of rhythmic waves crashing against a ship as they head out to sea, or even general background conversation and the clinking of mugs of ale in a tavern. These sounds reflect the tone of the setting in which the encounter is taking place.
Now this is where the fun begins. This is where you include your favorite songs from games like The Witcher, Dragon Age, or Assassins Creed. Movie soundtracks from action sequences are also very popular! When entering combat, you want music that empowers the player, music that fills them with vigor, and submerges them into the kickass mindset to conqueror whatever it is they are up against.
Finding the Perfect Music
Sure you can YouTube search a general setting, mood, “combat” but NOTHING ruins the epic moment of the paladin chopping off the head of an ancient blue dragons head like a commercial for a local lawn service. If you really want to go crazy, start making playlists of your own, but be warned, just like the dungeon of the mad mage, this is a rabbit hole you may never come back from (believe me, I’ve been there). Unfortunately Campaign Settings don’t come with QR codes that grant access to a playlists for the big boss battle, at least until now…
Our friends over at Apotheosis Studios and DiAmorte have actually made this happen. They’ve partnered up for a Kickstarter and it’s not surprising that this campaign setting was funded in 40 minutes. They’ve created an extreme metal-themed epic saga that features a full instrumental score by the Budapest Scoring Symphonic Orchestra that was composed by DiAmorte; an ensemble cast of band members from Cradle of Filth, Black Crown Initiate, Gravehollow and more.
Last days of the warlock
This campaign setting is truly a hybrid of music and gaming. Player agency has been given highest priority and the characters are the ones to determine the final fate of the Shadelands. Check it out for yourself!
Elevate Your Game
So if you’re trying to get your party to feel a certain way and take your gaming experience to the next level, build the music around the mood. Take a bit of time to build that perfect playlist for the ultimate reveal of true identity of the Accursed King, or better yet let The Red Opera do it for you.