I’ve been a storyteller (DM, GM etc) for over two decades now through various games and systems. I’ve run many one off games and several year long campaigns. From running a tiny two player character games, to running a game for over twenty people (AH!).
Needless to say, “I’ve been there, done that”. But yet, for better or for worse, my players never stop amazing me. You see, just when you think you’ve figured everything out, are deep into character, chatting up an NPC or even at the climax of a storyline, a player will randomly throw a monkey wrench into the gaming gears and bring my brain to a complete stop! And let me tell you, these wrenches have the major potential to hurt one's brain for a good while before you can recover!
Over my many years of running games, I’ve learned some very important tricks to keep the flow of the game moving, as well as preventing a player from totally derailing the plot which has been so carefully drawn out. So here are a few things to keep in mind while running your next game session.
Tip #1 - It’s Your World!
You are the all seeing, all knowing, and all powerful overlord of the world in which the players are graced to be in. And don’t forget it!
There will come a time when things are getting away from you and your players seemingly have taken over control of the game. Just remember you are the deity of this imaginary realm and have the total last word. Period. Now, don’t be an overbearing ass and ruin the fun, that’s just lame and in really bad taste. What you can do though is let the players know you’re still the boss IN GAME. Players kill an NPC who held the secrets to whatever adventure they are on? Damn murderhobo’s! Bring the horrors of a vengeful monster or the holy smite of a pissed off paladin to let them know they screwed up.
All players should be allowed to do what they want, but they should also know pissing off the person running that is a big no-no.
Tip #2 - Keep Your Players Guessing at All Times
Not only does it make for a fun night of gaming, but it also takes away some chances of game derailment. Add in your own randomness to game night. Look over your notes and roll dice randomly and not tell the players why. It really makes them panic and brings me sadistic joy. Don’t give direct yes or no answers all the time. “I roll a 13 to check for traps. Is the door trapped?” Don’t say it is or isn’t; instead use phrases like “There are no traps that you can detect.” Not only does it keep them guessing, it also adds some tiny bit of realism to things.
Tip #3 - Don’t Be Afraid to Lie to Your Players
Yes, I said it, LIE. After all, this is a game of make believe isn’t it? If your players are tearing through your monsters and baddies far too easily change the stats or your rolls. This not only levels things out in game, but can make for some seriously funny encounters, or deadly one. We don’t judge here. This tip goes back to tip #1, it’s your reality so do with it what you want.
Tip #4 - It’s Game Night... So HAVE FUN!
Playing tabletop games is about getting together with your friends and creating amazing stories in imaginary worlds. Having fun is the most important part of any adventure and as the person behind the screen you help make that fun happen. These adventures and stories in your campaign belong to everyone, including the storyteller. It’s a time for fun, to let go and forget about reality, and go off into a realm of fantasy and adventure. Happy Adventuring!
Meet the Blogger
James C. @nerdcored20
Greetings world! My name is James, not only am I a long time role-player and storyteller, I’m also the founder of Nerdcore. I’ve played in and have run countless games and systems since the mid 90’s. LARP, tabletop, card games, and even board games. If you ever want to chat feel free to reach out!